Dear Community,
At æternity we are looking to advance our æpps ecosystem and looking to bring our community into this adventure. We are therefore happy to announce a 3 week-long online hackathon beginning on November 27th and ending on December 15th, 2017. Everyone is cordially invited to participate and dazzle us with their creativity and skills. Hæck your way towards a better world!
Registration is now closed.
We want to encourage you to bring your ideas to life without limiting your creative work-space. However, since we deeply care about the “mobile first” approach for æpps and the Identity Manager is at the center of it, we encourage you to create æpps that run on mobile devices and make use of æternity’s Identity Manager.
Update [11.12.2017] — Voting is now open!
Any user who holds AE tokens can up-vote an æpp submission by signing with the ETH account where they hold their (or some) AE tokens (“Disagrees” will not be counted). You can use MyEtherWallet or Metamask for signing. The voting weight is equal to the user’s share of all distributed AE tokens.
Have a look at the hackathon æpp submissions and vote at the dedicated page.
Here is a short video explaining how to vote with your AE balance using MetaMask’s Google Chrome extension.
Update [03.12.2017]
Due to the feedback from several participants,
we extend Phase 1 until the 10th of December
Teams who have already submitted (or are able to submit) working æpps, by 11:59 PM CET tonight (03.12.2017), will get a special prize of 350 AE + 100 AE for the first 10 working submissions.
We also increase the working submission bounty from 100 AE to 400 AE, but it will decrease by 50 AE each day. This bounty will be still limited to the 10 first working submissions.
Working Submissions:
- Monday — 400 AE
- Tuesday — 350 AE
- Wednesday — 300 AE
- Thursday — 250 AE
- Friday — 200 AE
- Saturday — 150 AE
- Sunday — 100 AE
We ask all teams who have submitted code at GitHub to fill-in this short form. It will help us present your project in the best possible way to the entire community and help them take an informed decision during the voting phase.
We will reward the most creative and exciting projects with the following prizes:
Main æpps Prizes
- Grand Prize: 5000 AE
- Second Prize: 2000 AE
- Third Prize: 1000 AE
Collaboration Bonus
- First 10:
— accepted pull requests (PRs) in æpp-components repository with a new component: 50 AE
— accepted PRs in æpp-components repository with a new component + tests: 100 AE - First 10 working submissions: 400 AE (decreasing each day, see above)
Using ERC20 AE tokens bonus:
- First 5 working submission that make use of the AE ERC20 tokens: 500 AE
Rules & Schedule
We want to provide just enough structure to set the creativity of all participants free and support teams to make them comfortable with the format. We will conduct the hackathon according to the following format/schedule:
Nov 21–26: All participating teams register by filling-in a form (now closed). Teams are required to submit the link to an empty GitHub repository as part of their registration. We ask participating teams to not make any commits to their repositories prior to November 27.
Phase 1
Nov 27 — Dec 10: Teams commit the æpps code for voting by the community. Code and submit!
Phase 2 (Updated)
Dec 7 — æpps must be submitted, with as much as information as possible. Work on code can still continue.
Dec 10 — Phase 1 ends.
Dec 11 — æternity Community votes.
Dec 14 — Final Participants have last 24 hours to make their æpps shiny, with support of the æternity team.
Dec 15 — Jury will announce the winner from the Top 3 votes.*
* The bounties will be transferred within 72 hours of receiving the winning teams’ ETH addresses.
Information & Support
We have created a Telegram channel for the hackathon. æternity team members will be available to answer questions there for the entire duration of the hackathon.
Participating teams can make use of the existing open source æpps components and tools below.
- READ THIS GUIDE on how to start building æpps
- Dapp-scratch — CLI for generating æpp boilerplates by Billy Rennekamp
- Proof-of-Concept Identity Manager
- Proof-of-Concept æpp-aexistence
- æpp-components
- æpp-voting
- æpp-conversational machine
Register now!
Feel free to send us all questions and comments at the Telegram channel!
Want to get in touch? Connect with us at these channels:
GitHub | Reddit | Telegram | Twitter | Facebook | Mail

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