At æternity we continue to pursue the goal of delivering a vibrant ecosystem of decentralized æpps. An important part of this goal is having production-ready æpps for our mainnet launch. Here is what the æpps team has been up to in order to get us there.
æpps Portal
We have created a new home for the æpps that will be published in the upcoming months.

The portal will be the place, where you, the user, can preview/test æpps. You will be able to see each new æpp as soon it is published, learn more about it, and test it yourself.
Wall æpp
We created and published our Wall æpp. It works with the Ethereum Kovan testnet at the moment, but we plan to port it to our testnet in the upcoming months. The Wall allows anyone to post a message. Any user can send AE tokens to a message posted on the Wall. This enables users to support content which they like by rewarding the person who created it.

Identity Manager Improvements
The Identity Manager æpp can now launch and run multiple æpps. We have created the UI to toggle between these æpps.

You can now launch an æpp and then get back to the æpps dashboard screen, by tapping on the dashboard button in the bottom left.
We also added the first version of a Transfer æpp. Users can now redistribute their tokens between the different identities they have created. The identity manager can also handle AE token balances now.

Voting æpp
A user who holds AE tokens can up or down vote a statement by signing with his ETH account, where they hold their AE tokens. They can use MyEtherWallet or MetaMask for signing. The voting weight is equal to their share of total AE tokens. Users can also create new statements and comment on statements. Votes in the æpp are constantly updated. So if a user sends their tokens to a different address, this is detected and only the currently held amount is counted.

Other Updates
In addition to the æpps updates above we have added a Readme file to all of our projects in GitHub.

We Look Forward to Your Input!
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about testing our æpps, feel free to get in touch with us in Telegram.
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