Latest in: Team

The Winners: Happy Æ Holidays Contest

Check out which are the creative ideas that the æternity team enjoyed the most. As usual, the æternity community managed to generate a great variety of images for the contest that we announced last December. …
By admin
January 28, 2019

Syntax, Scams and Solidity: An Interview with Hans Svensson

Hans shared his view on functional programming, consensus, and whether or not blockchain will actually change the world. With more than 15 years of experience in Erlang programming, Hans Svensson is a specialist in model …
By admin
January 10, 2019

2018: A Year In Review | æternity

2018 was quite an eventful year for both the æternity team and community. Here are some of the major milestones that we reached together! Amid a backdrop of volatile and generally declining crypto markets, …
By admin
December 25, 2018

Base æpp, AirGap Wallet and AE Blockchain Explorer

User-friendly transactions are now possible on the live æternity network! Base æpp The æternity team is thrilled to announce that AE users can now start transacting on the live æternity network using the user-friendly Base …
By admin
December 15, 2018

Blockchain Dashboard Bounty

We are thrilled to announce a bounty for visualization of live data coming from the æternity blockchain! Since the launch of the live version of the æternity network, the æternity community and team of …
By admin
December 14, 2018

Developer Resources

Useful info to help you #buidl on æternity. You can find all the developer resources at: æternity’s Documentation Hub æternity’s Documentation Hub is your technical guide on æternity, modeled after the “Mastering Bitcoin” book, …
By admin
December 7, 2018

Insights from the CoreDev Corner: Configuring Ports of the æternity Epoch Node

With this post we start a series of Insights from the CoreDev Corner blog posts where we discuss technical details related to the operation of the Roma network. This post is primarily aimed at …
By admin
December 6, 2018

Making Good on the Promise of Blockchain: An Interview with Emil Wagner

After creating applications and web-app projects for Sony, Telefonica, VW, and Montblanc, Emil was drawn to blockchain because of its potential to change the global distribution of power. Photo by Daniel Hansen As Co-Founder of our …
By admin
December 5, 2018

Meetup Bounty: Become an æmbassador for Europe and North America

Photo by rawpixel Announce æternity’s Roma Release in your local community and receive a bounty! With æternity’s Roma Release a reality, meetups organized by local communities are becoming more important than ever. æternity is the first …
By admin
November 29, 2018

Introducing Roma: The First Live Implementation of the æternity Blockchain

After months of applied research and development, æternity’s Roma Release is here. Roma is the live incarnation of the æternity project. We are thrilled to announce that æternity’s Roma Release is now a reality! During this …
By admin
November 28, 2018