Update on æpps development & first æpp bounty [COMPLETED]

Announcing æternity’s æpps team development path and the first æpp bounty.

Dear community,

Our main goal at æternity is to build a scalable blockchain ready to power real world use cases built for individuals and organizations of any size. This includes serving seamless user experience to people unfamiliar with blockchain technology and those who feel that current blockchain solutions are sub-optimal. With the help of our amazing community (yes, you!) we will have built, tested, and refined a number of æpps by the time our mainnet launches.

To date we have produced a number of click-through prototypes in order to validate fundamental use cases such as identity management (wallet), proof of existence (notary services), and voting. We received a lot of positive feedback.

While working on the æternity testnet we have decided to follow this development path:

  1. Connect our æpps to the Ethereum testnet and mainnet & use the æternity ERC20 token.
  2. Collect feedback from the community on the æpps functionality.
  3. Refine our testnet based on the feedback we receive.
  4. Connect our æpps to our testnet & make sure they are ready for production.
  5. Connect them to æternity’s mainnet.

Connecting our æpps to the Ethereum testnet and utilizing the AE ERC20 token will allow us to put real, functioning æpps in the hands of our community and rapidly iterate on usability.

Currently, we have multiple development teams working on the æpps which will be part of æternity’s ecosystem at the launch of the mainnet. We are working in an agile way utilizing 2-week sprints and will keep you updated on our progress.

In our current sprint we are connecting our proof of existence/notary æpp to the Ethereum testnet, where users can pay for creating a proof with ETH (testnet). Our voting æpp uses the æternity ERC20 token in order to validate that a user has AE tokens. We are also working on a “wall æpp” where people will be able to send AE tokens to insightful/funny/valuable posts. The AE will be received by the creator of the post.

Announcing our first æpp bounty!

As an open source project supporting decentralization, we are interested in involving our amazing community in the development of our code bases. We plan to solve a number of small engineering tasks via bounties and provide you with the opportunity to earn some AE tokens.

Today, we are announcing a bounty, which will help improve our proof-of-existence æpp. The bounty is for connecting the æpp to IPFS, where the files (the existence of which the æpp proves), are stored. We believe that the IPFS will be a perfect companion to our proof-of-existence æpp and will improve its value-proposition.

We have written up the specifications of the task in GitHub. We have also created a public group in Slack where anyone will be able to request Kovan network AE tokens and ask questions. If you would like to join our Slack, please send a mail to info@aeternity.com stating the reason.

The bounty reward was 550 AE tokens. It was already claimed by user shamari_feaster.

Interested in æternity? Get in touch:

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