State of Development: Week of March 19th, 2018

This week’s focus is Noise protocol implementation.

This week we have started working on our next release that will focus on securing peer-to-peer communications between nodes by switching to Noise protocol.

  • In parallel to finalizing the Noise implementation, we continue to make progress on our VM by introducing support for RETURNDATASIZE, RETURNDATACOPY and CALL instructions.
  • We are also working on enhancing our system testing infrastructure, which will enable us to understand exactly what happened when things go wrong in a system test suite. The testing infrastructure will also make it possible to reproduce the identified problem and make sure that the code is improved and the problem is mitigated.
  • With regards to our progress on Bitcoin-NG, we are currently introducing the notions of leader, key-block and micro block.
  • We are also progressing with state channels. The focus currently is on implementing transactions which create and close state channels. These state updates also update the on-chain channel state tree.

You can support the progress through æternity’s dedicated GitHub issues page. Meanwhile, our work continues…

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