æpps Update: End of December

At æternity we’ve been hard at work, improving our essential æpps and the open source components we release for æpps developers to utilize. In this update we are showcasing improvements to the Identity Manager, the Transfer æpp, and our Components repository.

Identity Manager

We made a number of improvements to the Identity Manager æpp. Have a look at some of them below.

We dedicated a lot of time and effort to elevate the look and feel of the Identity Manager and our other essential æpps. The goal is to provide a more vibrant and accessible user experience.


We added functionality which allows users to view and control the access the to metadata which the Identity Manager is granting to other æpps. This allows users to have full, dynamic control over their data and preferences.

Recent Transactions

We evolved the display of recent transactions for each identity. Users can now see the full history of incoming and outgoing transactions.

Remove æpps from Dashboard

We are adding the ability to remove æpps from the æpps browser view. A long tap activates the delete buttons. Once a user taps to delete an æpp they are prompted to confirm their action.

Transfer æpp

The tokens Transfer aepp is one of the most important interfaces for token holders. We are therefore constantly improving its functionality. In this iteration we completely redesigned the transaction overview screens. The transfer æpp now supports AE tokens.

Additionally we redesigned the transaction confirmation prompt to provide more useful information with a cleaner UI.

æpps Components

On the developer side, we launched a website which showcases all of our Components. We have already released a few versions of our components library.


The newest version includes updated styles for our components. This will improve the usability and accessibility of æpps coded by third party developers.

In addition to updating the components themselves we published detailed guidelines for components submissions on GitHub.


Get Started Guide

Continuing our efforts to best support and empower developers we also published a detailed “Get Started With AE” guide for developers.


What’s Next?!

We are currently coding the Identity Manager and Transfer æpp updates mentioned above and will be releasing updated versions soon. The Components website, submissions guidelines, and “Get Started with AE” guide are ready to use right now.

Ongoing Bounties Announcement

Today we are announcing our first ongoing bounty. All accepted pull requests for new components, submitted to our Components repository, will be rewarded 100 AE tokens.

The bounty submission process is the following:

  1. Pull request is submitted.
  2. æternity team reviews request.
  3. If the request is accepted, the contributor sends a Gist with their ETH address and æternity pays the bounty. If the request is not accepted, the æternity team gives the contributor feedback and they can resubmit after incorporating the feedback.

We will be announcing more ongoing bounties in the future. Stay tuned for more announcements!

We Look Forward to Your Input!

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about testing our æpps, feel free to get in touch with us in Telegram.

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